A Safe Place for Sensitive Documents

Storing company data is a major responsibility that we want to meet with our archiving services to our customers’ fullest satisfaction and in accordance with the highest possible data protection standards. This involves a flexible, well-considered archiving process and elaborate security measures.

How it works:

  • REISSWOLF staff collect all sensitive physical documents from our customers in special boxes using a security vehicle.
  • Using our bar-code-based storage and management system, we provide structuring and indexing of all records
  • Give customers direct access to their inventories.
  • If a certain file is required, they can either visit our archive building personally or can have it delivered by our own courier service – on time, guaranteed.
  • Plus, we also take care of expiry management. 

Furthermore, our tailor-made RWAS software can be used to reorganize the previous file structure and make it more efficient.

The REISSWOLF archives are inspected regularly at short intervals by both internal and external auditors. Complementing measures such as burglar alarm systems, fire alarm systems, and protocolled entry to the archive rooms are part of our high security standards to protect files and documents from unauthorized access.