Paper Shredding

European Market Leader and Security Specialist

Confidential data and document destruction

Data shredding

For more than 30 years now, we at REISSWOLF have been famous for our paper shredding services, which we have been continuously refining over the years. This service gave us our name (REISSWOLF refers to a wolf vigorously ripping its prey apart) and made us the European market leader in document destruction.

Besides efficiency and environmental responsibility, we have always focused on data protection and legal compliance. At REISSWOLF, we destroy all sensitive data in compliance with the highest international standards and legal requirements. Therefore, our safety containers RW240 and press trucks provide the highest possible security and a closed automatic destruction process, preventing anyone – even our employees – from accessing your sensitive data. The entire process is also regularly checked by external quality management inspectors and is continuously optimized according to ISO 9001:2008.

For each batch that is destroyed, a relevant certificate of destruction and eco certificate is issued. The paper material is converted into packets and transported directly to recyclers. Always an ecologically conscious company is more appealing to the targeted target group as well as to the general public in general